16#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
23class EventControllerKey;
92 unsigned keyval,
unsigned keycode, Gdk::ModifierType state);
The set of selected SPObjects for a given document and layer model.
DialogBase is the base class for the dialog system.
void setShowing(bool showing)
function called from notebook dialog that performs an update of the dialog and sets the dialog showin...
void fix_inner_scroll(Gtk::Widget *child)
DialogBase & operator=(DialogBase const &)=delete
Selection * getSelection() const
void setDesktop(SPDesktop *new_desktop)
Called when the desktop might have changed for this dialog.
void blink()
Highlight notebook where dialog already exists.
sigc::connection _doc_replaced
bool _changed_while_hidden
virtual void selectionChanged(Inkscape::Selection *selection)
sigc::connection _select_changed
bool blink_off()
Callback to reset the dialog highlight.
void unsetDesktop()
Called to destruct desktops, must not call virtuals.
bool _modified_while_hidden
InkscapeApplication * _app
virtual void update()
The update() method is essential to Gtk state management.
void setDocument(SPDocument *new_document)
Called when the document might have changed, called from setDesktop too.
bool on_key_pressed(Gtk::EventControllerKey const &controller, unsigned keyval, unsigned keycode, Gdk::ModifierType state)
Glib::ustring const & get_type() const
DialogBase(DialogBase const &)=delete
void desktopDestroyed(SPDesktop *old_desktop)
virtual void selectionModified(Inkscape::Selection *selection, guint flags)
SPDocument * getDocument() const
virtual void desktopReplaced()
Called when the desktop has certainly changed.
virtual void documentReplaced()
Glib::ustring const _prefs_path
sigc::connection _desktop_destroyed
const Glib::ustring & get_icon() const
Glib::ustring const & get_name() const
InkscapeApplication * getApp() const
Glib::ustring const & getPrefsPath() const
SPDesktop * getDesktop() const
sigc::connection _select_modified
Glib::ustring const _dialog_type
A widget that wraps a Gtk::Notebook with dialogs as pages.
To do: update description of desktop.
Typed SVG document implementation.
static Glib::ustring const prefs_path