Here is a list of all namespace functions with links to the namespace documentation for each function:
- o -
- object_to_guides() : ActionsEdit
- object_to_marker() : ActionsEdit
- object_to_pattern() : ActionsEdit
- offset_crossings() : Geom
- offset_doubles() : Geom
- on_click_pressed() : Inkscape::UI
- on_key_pressed() : Inkscape::UI
- on_popup_menu() : Inkscape::UI
- onKBGetCols() : Inkscape::UI::Dialog
- open() : Inkscape::Extension
- operator!=() : Geom, Geom::SL, Inkscape::GC
- operator&() : Geom, Inkscape::Colors::Space, Inkscape
- operator*() : Geom::NL, Geom, Geom::SL, Inkscape::Util
- operator*=() : Geom
- operator+() : Geom, Geom::SL
- operator+=() : Geom
- operator-() : Geom, Geom::SL
- operator-=() : Geom
- operator/() : Geom, Geom::SL
- operator/=() : Geom
- operator<<() : Avoid, Box3D, Geom::detail::bezier_clipping, Geom::NL::detail, Geom::NL, Geom, Geom::SL, Inkscape::IO, Inkscape::LivePathEffect, Inkscape::UI, vpsc
- operator<=() : Geom
- operator==() : Geom::NL::detail, Geom::NL, Geom, Geom::SL, Inkscape::GC, Tracer
- operator|() : Inkscape::Colors::Space, Inkscape
- operator~() : Inkscape
- optimization_guess() : Tracer
- optimize() : Tracer
- optimizePath() : Inkscape
- opweight() : Inkscape::Extension::Internal
- OrderGroups() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEEmbroderyStitchOrdering
- OrderingAdvanced() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEEmbroderyStitchOrdering
- OrderingClosest() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEEmbroderyStitchOrdering
- OrderingOriginal() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEEmbroderyStitchOrdering
- OrderingZigZag() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEEmbroderyStitchOrdering
- OrderMethodConverter() : Inkscape::LivePathEffect
- orientation_line() : Geom::detail::bezier_clipping
- orth_plane_or_axis() : Box3D
- orthogonal_orientation_line() : Geom::detail::bezier_clipping
- orthogonalDirection() : Avoid
- orthogonalDirectionsCount() : Avoid
- orthogTurnOrder() : Avoid
- os_version() : Inkscape
- other_dimension() : Geom
- outline() : Inkscape
- outline_join() : Inkscape
- overlap() : straightener
- overlayPixels() : Inkscape::UI::Dialog
- own() : Inkscape::Util::GlibValue