Vector Graphics Editor
#include <sp-flowtext.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SPFlowtext () | |
~SPFlowtext () override | |
int | tag () const override |
void | rebuildLayout () |
Completely recalculates the layout. | |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | getAsText () |
Converts the flowroot in into a <text> tree, keeping all the formatting and positioning, but losing the automatic wrapping ability. | |
SPItem * | get_frame (SPItem const *after) |
SPItem const * | get_frame (SPItem const *after) const |
std::optional< Geom::Point > | getBaselinePoint () const |
Get the position of the baseline point for this text object. | |
bool | has_internal_frame () const |
void | _clearFlow (Inkscape::DrawingGroup *in_arena) |
discards the drawing objects representing this text. | |
SPCurve | getNormalizedBpath () const |
Converts the text object to its component curves. | |
void | optimizeScaledText () |
Optimize scaled flow text on next set_transform. | |
void | build (SPDocument *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) override |
void | release () override |
void | child_added (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *ref) override |
void | remove_child (Inkscape::XML::Node *child) override |
void | set (SPAttr key, const char *value) override |
Geom::Affine | set_transform (Geom::Affine const &xform) override |
void | update (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) override |
void | modified (unsigned int flags) override |
void | fix_overflow_flowregion (bool inverse) |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | write (Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) override |
Geom::OptRect | bbox (Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType type) const override |
void | print (SPPrintContext *ctx) override |
const char * | typeName () const override |
The item's type name, not node tag name. | |
const char * | displayName () const override |
The item's type name as a translated human string. | |
char * | description () const override |
Inkscape::DrawingItem * | show (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags) override |
void | hide (unsigned int key) override |
void | snappoints (std::vector< Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint > &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs) const override |
![]() | |
SPItem () | |
~SPItem () override | |
int | tag () const override |
SPClipPath * | getClipObject () const |
SPMask * | getMaskObject () const |
SPClipPathReference & | getClipRef () |
SPMaskReference & | getMaskRef () |
std::optional< Geom::PathVector > | getClipPathVector () const |
Return the path vector of the clipping region. | |
std::optional< Geom::PathVector > | getClipPathVector (SPItem const *root) const |
Return the path vector of the clipping region, combined with the clipping regions of all groups containing this object up to and including root. | |
SPAvoidRef & | getAvoidRef () |
bool | isLocked () const |
void | setLocked (bool lock) |
bool | isHidden () const |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
bool | isSensitive () const |
void | setHighlight (Inkscape::Colors::Color color) |
bool | isHighlightSet () const |
virtual Inkscape::Colors::Color | highlight_color () const |
bool | isEvaluated () const |
void | setEvaluated (bool visible) |
void | resetEvaluated () |
bool | unoptimized () |
bool | isHidden (unsigned display_key) const |
bool | isExplicitlyHidden () const |
Returns something suitable for the ‘Hide’ checkbox in the Object Properties dialog box. | |
void | setExplicitlyHidden (bool val) |
Sets the display CSS property to ‘hidden’ if val is true, otherwise makes it unset. | |
void | setCenter (Geom::Point const &object_centre) |
Sets the transform_center_x and transform_center_y properties to retain the rotation center. | |
bool | updateCenterIfSet (Geom::Point const ¢er) |
void | unsetCenter () |
bool | isCenterSet () const |
Geom::Point | getCenter (bool ensure_uptodate=true) const |
void | scaleCenter (Geom::Scale const &sc) |
bool | isVisibleAndUnlocked () const |
bool | isVisibleAndUnlocked (unsigned display_key) const |
Geom::Affine | getRelativeTransform (SPObject const *obj) const |
bool | raiseOne () |
bool | lowerOne () |
void | raiseToTop () |
void | lowerToBottom () |
SPGroup * | getParentGroup () const |
Return the parent, only if it's a group object. | |
void | moveTo (SPItem *target, bool intoafter) |
Move this SPItem into or after another SPItem in the doc. | |
sigc::connection | connectTransformed (sigc::slot< void(Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *)> slot) |
Geom::OptRect | geometricBounds (Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity()) const |
Get item's geometric bounding box in this item's coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | visualBounds (Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity(), bool wfilter=true, bool wclip=true, bool wmask=true) const |
Get item's visual bounding box in this item's coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | bounds (BBoxType type, Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity()) const |
Geom::OptRect | documentGeometricBounds () const |
Get item's geometric bbox in document coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | documentVisualBounds () const |
Get item's visual bbox in document coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | documentBounds (BBoxType type) const |
Geom::OptRect | documentPreferredBounds () const |
virtual std::optional< Geom::PathVector > | documentExactBounds () const |
Get an exact geometric shape representing the visual bounds of the item in the document coordinates. | |
Geom::OptRect | desktopGeometricBounds () const |
Get item's geometric bbox in desktop coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | desktopVisualBounds () const |
Get item's visual bbox in desktop coordinate system. | |
Geom::OptRect | desktopPreferredBounds () const |
Geom::OptRect | desktopBounds (BBoxType type) const |
unsigned int | pos_in_parent () const |
char * | detailedDescription () const |
Returns a string suitable for status bar, formatted in pango markup language. | |
bool | isFiltered () const |
Returns true if the item is filtered, false otherwise. | |
SPObject * | isInMask () const |
SPObject * | isInClipPath () const |
void | invoke_print (SPPrintContext *ctx) |
Inkscape::DrawingItem * | invoke_show (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags) |
void | invoke_hide (unsigned int key) |
void | invoke_hide_except (unsigned key, const std::vector< SPItem const * > &to_keep) |
Invoke hide on all non-group items, except for the list of items to keep. | |
void | getSnappoints (std::vector< Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint > &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs=nullptr) const |
void | adjust_pattern (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false, PaintServerTransform=TRANSFORM_BOTH) |
void | adjust_hatch (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false, PaintServerTransform=TRANSFORM_BOTH) |
void | adjust_gradient (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false) |
void | adjust_clip (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false) |
void | remove_clip_transforms () |
void | adjust_stroke (double ex) |
void | adjust_stroke_width_recursive (double ex) |
Recursively scale stroke width in item and its children by expansion. | |
void | freeze_stroke_width_recursive (bool freeze) |
void | adjust_paint_recursive (Geom::Affine advertized_transform, Geom::Affine t_ancestors, PaintServerType type=GRADIENT) |
Recursively compensate pattern or gradient transform. | |
bool | collidesWith (Geom::PathVector const &shape) const |
Checks for visual collision with another item. | |
bool | collidesWith (SPItem const &other) const |
void | doWriteTransform (Geom::Affine const &transform, Geom::Affine const *adv=nullptr, bool compensate=true) |
Set a new transform on an object. | |
void | set_item_transform (Geom::Affine const &transform_matrix) |
Sets item private transform (not propagated to repr), without compensating stroke widths, gradients, patterns as sp_item_write_transform does. | |
Inkscape::DrawingItem * | get_arenaitem (unsigned key) const |
Return the arenaitem corresponding to the given item in the display with the given key. | |
Geom::Affine | i2doc_affine () const |
Returns the accumulated transformation of the item and all its ancestors, including root's viewport. | |
Geom::Affine | i2dt_affine () const |
Returns the transformation from item to desktop coords. | |
void | set_i2d_affine (Geom::Affine const &transform) |
Geom::Affine | dt2i_affine () const |
Returns the transformation from desktop to item coords. | |
bool | isExpanded () const |
void | setExpanded (bool expand) |
void | rotate_rel (Geom::Rotate const &rotation) |
void | scale_rel (Geom::Scale const &scale) |
void | skew_rel (double skewX, double skewY) |
void | move_rel (Geom::Translate const &tr) |
void | build (SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) override |
void | release () override |
void | set (SPAttr key, char const *value) override |
void | update (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) override |
void | modified (unsigned int flags) override |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | write (Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) override |
virtual void | removeTransformsRecursively (SPObject const *root) |
virtual void | convert_to_guides () const |
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SPObject () | |
Constructor, sets all attributes to default values. | |
SPObject (SPObject const &)=delete | |
SPObject & | operator= (SPObject const &)=delete |
~SPObject () override | |
Destructor, frees the used memory and unreferences a potential successor of the object. | |
char const * | getId () const |
Returns the objects current ID string. | |
void | getIds (std::set< std::string > &ret) const |
Accumulate this id and all it's descendants ids. | |
std::string | getUrl () const |
Get the id in a URL format. | |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | getRepr () |
Returns the XML representation of tree. | |
Inkscape::XML::Node const * | getRepr () const |
Returns the XML representation of tree. | |
void | releaseReferences () |
Cleans up an SPObject, releasing its references and requesting that references to it be released. | |
sigc::connection | connectRelease (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
Connects to the release request signal. | |
bool | isSiblingOf (SPObject const *object) const |
virtual void | getLinked (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
Get objects which are linked to this object as either a source or a target. | |
std::vector< SPObject * > | getLinked (LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
Get objects which are linked, like above. | |
bool | isAncestorOf (SPObject const *object) const |
True if object is non-NULL and this is some in/direct parent of object. | |
SPObject const * | nearestCommonAncestor (SPObject const *object) const |
Returns youngest object being parent to this and object. | |
SPObject const * | getTopAncestorNonLayer () const |
Returns ancestor non layer. | |
SPObject * | getNext () |
SPObject * | getPrev () |
Returns previous object in sibling list or NULL. | |
bool | hasChildren () const |
SPObject * | firstChild () |
SPObject const * | firstChild () const |
SPObject * | lastChild () |
SPObject const * | lastChild () const |
SPObject * | nthChild (unsigned index) |
SPObject const * | nthChild (unsigned index) const |
std::vector< SPObject * > | childList (bool add_ref, Action action=ActionGeneral) |
Retrieves the children as a std vector object, optionally ref'ing the children in the process, if add_ref is specified. | |
std::vector< SPObject * > | ancestorList (bool root_to_tip) |
Retrieves a list of ancestors of the object, as an easy to use vector. | |
SPObject * | appendChildRepr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) |
Append repr as child of this object. | |
char const * | label () const |
Gets the author-visible label property for the object or a default if no label is defined. | |
char const * | defaultLabel () const |
Returns a default label property for this object. | |
void | setLabel (char const *label) |
Sets the author-visible label for this object. | |
char * | title () const |
Returns the title of this object, or NULL if there is none. | |
bool | setTitle (char const *title, bool verbatim=false) |
Sets the title of this object. | |
char * | desc () const |
Returns the description of this object, or NULL if there is none. | |
bool | setDesc (char const *desc, bool verbatim=false) |
Sets the description of this object. | |
Glib::ustring | getExportFilename () const |
Get and set the exportable filename on this object. | |
void | setExportFilename (Glib::ustring filename) |
Geom::Point | getExportDpi () const |
Get and set the exported DPI for this objet, if available. | |
void | setExportDpi (Geom::Point dpi) |
CollectionPolicy | collectionPolicy () const |
Set the policy under which this object will be orphan-collected. | |
void | setCollectionPolicy (CollectionPolicy policy) |
Sets the orphan-collection policy in effect for this object. | |
void | requestOrphanCollection () |
Requests a later automatic call to collectOrphan(). | |
void | collectOrphan () |
Unconditionally delete the object if it is not referenced. | |
void | hrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr) |
Increase weak refcount. | |
void | unhrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr) |
Decrease weak refcount. | |
bool | isReferenced () |
Check if object is referenced by any other object. | |
void | deleteObject (bool propagate, bool propagate_descendants) |
Deletes an object, unparenting it from its parent. | |
void | deleteObject (bool propagate=true) |
Deletes on object. | |
void | cropToObject (SPObject *except) |
Removes all children except for the given object, it's children and it's ancesstors. | |
void | cropToObjects (std::vector< SPObject * > except_objects) |
Removes objects which are not related to given list of objects. | |
void | getObjectsExcept (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, const std::vector< SPObject * > &except) |
Get all child objects except for any in the list. | |
void | getLinkedRecursive (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
Grows the input list with all linked items recursively in both child nodes and links of links. | |
sigc::connection | connectDelete (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
Connects a slot to be called when an object is deleted. | |
sigc::connection | connectPositionChanged (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
SPObject * | successor () |
Returns the object which supercedes this one (if any). | |
void | setSuccessor (SPObject *successor) |
Indicates that another object supercedes this one. | |
void | setTmpSuccessor (SPObject *tmpsuccessor) |
Indicates that another object supercedes temporaty this one. | |
void | unsetTmpSuccessor () |
Unset object supercedes. | |
void | fixTmpSuccessors () |
Fix temporary successors in duple stamp. | |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | updateRepr (unsigned int flags=SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) |
Updates the object's repr based on the object's state. | |
Inkscape::XML::Node * | updateRepr (Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) |
Updates the given repr based on the object's state. | |
void | requestDisplayUpdate (unsigned int flags) |
Queues an deferred update of this object's display. | |
void | updateDisplay (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) |
Updates the object's display immediately. | |
void | requestModified (unsigned int flags) |
Requests that a modification notification signal be emitted later (e.g. | |
void | emitModified (unsigned int flags) |
Emits the MODIFIED signal with the object's flags. | |
sigc::connection | connectModified (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *, unsigned int)> slot) |
Connects to the modification notification signal. | |
void | _sendDeleteSignalRecursive () |
Sends the delete signal to all children of this object recursively. | |
void | _updateTotalHRefCount (int increment) |
Adds increment to _total_hrefcount of object and its parents. | |
void | _requireSVGVersion (unsigned major, unsigned minor) |
void | _requireSVGVersion (Inkscape::Version version) |
Lifts SVG version of all root objects to version. | |
void | attach (SPObject *object, SPObject *prev) |
Put object into object tree, under parent, and behind prev; also update object's XML space. | |
void | reorder (SPObject *obj, SPObject *prev) |
In list of object's children, move object behind prev. | |
void | detach (SPObject *object) |
Remove object from parent's children, release and unref it. | |
SPObject * | get_child_by_repr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) |
Return object's child whose node pointer equals repr. | |
void | invoke_build (SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int cloned) |
int | getIntAttribute (char const *key, int def) |
unsigned | getPosition () |
char const * | getAttribute (char const *name) const |
void | appendChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child) |
void | addChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *prev=nullptr) |
void | setKeyValue (SPAttr key, char const *value) |
Call virtual set() function of object. | |
void | setAttribute (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value) |
void | setAttributeDouble (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, double value) |
void | setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value) |
void | readAttr (char const *key) |
Read value of key attribute from XML node into object. | |
void | readAttr (SPAttr keyid) |
char const * | getTagName () const |
void | removeAttribute (char const *key) |
void | setCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr) |
void | changeCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr) |
bool | storeAsDouble (char const *key, double *val) const |
virtual void | read_content () |
void | recursivePrintTree (unsigned level=0) |
void | objectTrace (std::string const &, bool in=true, unsigned flags=0) |
std::string | generate_unique_id (char const *default_id=nullptr) const |
Generate a document-wide unique id for this object. | |
Public Attributes | |
Inkscape::Text::Layout | layout |
std::unordered_map< unsigned, Inkscape::Text::StyleAttachments > | view_style_attachments |
double | par_indent |
bool | _optimizeScaledText |
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unsigned int | sensitive: 1 |
unsigned int | stop_paint: 1 |
unsigned | bbox_valid: 1 |
double | transform_center_x |
double | transform_center_y |
bool | freeze_stroke_width |
bool | _is_expanded = false |
Geom::Affine | transform |
Geom::OptRect | doc_bbox |
Geom::Rect | viewport |
std::vector< std::pair< Glib::ustring, Glib::ustring > > | rootsatellites |
std::vector< SPItemView > | views |
sigc::signal< void(Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *)> | _transformed_signal |
std::optional< Inkscape::Colors::Color > | _highlightColor |
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unsigned int | cloned: 1 |
SPObject * | clone_original {nullptr} |
unsigned int | uflags: 16 |
unsigned int | mflags: 16 |
SPIXmlSpace | xml_space |
Glib::ustring | lang |
unsigned int | hrefcount {0} |
unsigned int | _total_hrefcount {0} |
SPDocument * | document {nullptr} |
SPObject * | parent {nullptr} |
int | refCount {1} |
std::list< SPObject * > | hrefList |
SPStyle * | style |
Represents the style properties, whether from presentation attributes, the style attribute, or inherited. | |
SPStyle * | context_style |
Represents the style that should be used to resolve 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke'. | |
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> | _release_signal |
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> | _delete_signal |
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> | _position_changed_signal |
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *, unsigned int)> | _modified_signal |
SPObject * | _successor {nullptr} |
SPObject * | _tmpsuccessor {nullptr} |
CollectionPolicy | _collection_policy {SPObject::COLLECT_WITH_PARENT} |
char * | _label {nullptr} |
char * | _default_label {nullptr} |
ChildrenList | children |
Private Member Functions | |
void | _buildLayoutInput (SPObject *root, std::unique_ptr< Shape > exclusion_shape, SPObject **pending_line_break_object) |
Recursively walks the xml tree adding tags and their contents. | |
std::unique_ptr< Shape > | _buildExclusionShape () const |
calculates the union of all the <flowregionexclude> children of this flowroot. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | PaintServerType { PATTERN , HATCH , GRADIENT } |
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enum | CollectionPolicy { COLLECT_WITH_PARENT , ALWAYS_COLLECT } |
enum class | LinkedObjectNature { DEPENDENT = -1 , ANY = 0 , DEPENDENCY = 1 } |
enum | Action { ActionGeneral , ActionBBox , ActionUpdate , ActionShow } |
typedef Inkscape::Util::ForwardPointerIterator< SPObject, ParentIteratorStrategy > | ParentIterator |
typedef Inkscape::Util::ForwardPointerIterator< SPObject const, ParentIteratorStrategy > | ConstParentIterator |
using | ChildrenList = boost::intrusive::list< SPObject, boost::intrusive::member_hook< SPObject, ListHook, &SPObject::_child_hook > > |
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static unsigned int | display_key_new (unsigned numkeys) |
Allocates unique integer keys. | |
static unsigned | ensure_key (Inkscape::DrawingItem *di) |
Ensures that a drawing item's key is the first of a block of ITEM_KEY_SIZE keys, assigning it such a key if necessary. | |
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typedef boost::intrusive::list_member_hook | ListHook |
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virtual void | order_changed (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *old_repr, Inkscape::XML::Node *new_repr) |
virtual void | tag_name_changed (gchar const *oldname, gchar const *newname) |
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ListHook | _child_hook |
Definition at line 32 of file sp-flowtext.h.
SPFlowtext::SPFlowtext | ( | ) |
Definition at line 44 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
overridedefault |
private |
calculates the union of all the <flowregionexclude> children of this flowroot.
Definition at line 440 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References bool_op_union, child, and SPObject::children.
Referenced by rebuildLayout().
private |
Recursively walks the xml tree adding tags and their contents.
Definition at line 340 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References _buildLayoutInput(), SVGLength::_set, Inkscape::Text::Layout::appendControlCode(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::appendText(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::appendWrapShape(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics::ascent, bool_op_diff, child, SVGLength::computed, Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics::computeEffective(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics::descent, Inkscape::Text::Layout::OptionalTextTagAttrs::dx, FontFactory::FaceFromStyle(), SPStyle::font_size, Inkscape::Util::EnableSingleton< FontFactory >::get(), layout, SPStyle::line_height, Inkscape::Text::Layout::LINE_HEIGHT_NORMAL, par_indent, Inkscape::Text::Layout::PARAGRAPH_BREAK, SPObject::parent, Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics::reset(), root, Inkscape::Text::Layout::SHAPE_BREAK, SP_CSS_UNIT_NONE, sp_repr_is_meta_element(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::strut, SPObject::style, SVGLength::value, Inkscape::Text::Layout::wrap_mode, Inkscape::Text::Layout::WRAP_SHAPE_INSIDE, and Inkscape::Text::Layout::FontMetrics::xheight.
Referenced by _buildLayoutInput(), and rebuildLayout().
void SPFlowtext::_clearFlow | ( | Inkscape::DrawingGroup * | in_arena | ) |
discards the drawing objects representing this text.
Definition at line 474 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::DrawingItem::clearChildren().
Referenced by hide(), modified(), and update().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 266 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::Text::Layout::bounds(), layout, and SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 161 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References SPObject::_requireSVGVersion(), SPItem::build(), LAYOUT_OPTIONS, SPObject::readAttr(), and SPObject::repr.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 58 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References child, SPObject::child_added(), ref, and SPObject::requestModified().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 293 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::Text::Layout::end(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::inputTruncated(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::iteratorToCharIndex(), and layout.
overridevirtual |
The item's type name as a translated human string.
Translated string for UI display.
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 285 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References has_internal_frame().
void SPFlowtext::fix_overflow_flowregion | ( | bool | inverse | ) |
Definition at line 697 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
Definition at line 593 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References SPObject::children, and item.
Referenced by get_frame(), has_internal_frame(), and Inkscape::Extension::Internal::LaTeXTextRenderer::sp_flowtext_render().
Definition at line 587 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References get_frame(), and item.
Inkscape::XML::Node * SPFlowtext::getAsText | ( | ) |
Converts the flowroot in into a <text> tree, keeping all the formatting and positioning, but losing the automatic wrapping ability.
Definition at line 484 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::XML::Node::appendChild(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::begin(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::characterAnchorPoint(), Inkscape::XML::Node::childCount(), Inkscape::XML::Document::createElement(), Inkscape::XML::Document::createTextNode(), SPObject::document, Inkscape::Text::Layout::OptionalTextTagAttrs::dx, Inkscape::Text::Layout::end(), SPObject::getRepr(), SPDocument::getReprDoc(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::getSourceOfCharacter(), Geom::Affine::isIdentity(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::iteratorToCharIndex(), layout, Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator::nextStartOfLine(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator::nextStartOfSpan(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::outputExists(), SPObject::parent, Inkscape::GC::release(), SPObject::repr, Inkscape::XML::Node::setAttribute(), Inkscape::XML::Node::setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty(), Inkscape::XML::Node::setAttributeSvgDouble(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::simulateLayoutUsingKerning(), SPObject::style, Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator::thisStartOfChunk(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator::thisStartOfShape(), SPItem::transform, SPStyle::writeIfDiff(), TextTagAttributes::writeTo(), Geom::X, and Geom::Y.
std::optional< Geom::Point > SPFlowtext::getBaselinePoint | ( | ) | const |
Get the position of the baseline point for this text object.
Definition at line 771 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::Text::Layout::baselineAnchorPoint(), layout, and Inkscape::Text::Layout::outputExists().
SPCurve SPFlowtext::getNormalizedBpath | ( | ) | const |
Converts the text object to its component curves.
Definition at line 479 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::Text::Layout::convertToCurves(), and layout.
bool SPFlowtext::has_internal_frame | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 629 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References get_frame(), and SPObject::isAncestorOf().
Referenced by displayName().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 328 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References _clearFlow(), key, view_style_attachments, and SPItem::views.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 124 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References _clearFlow(), SPObject::children, SPObject::emitModified(), SPItem::geometricBounds(), layout, SPObject::mflags, Inkscape::Text::Layout::show(), SPObject::style, view_style_attachments, and SPItem::views.
inline |
Optimize scaled flow text on next set_transform.
Definition at line 70 of file sp-flowtext.h.
References _optimizeScaledText.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 270 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References bbox(), SPItem::desktopVisualBounds(), SPObject::document, Geom::GenericRect< Coord >::from_xywh(), SPItem::geometricBounds(), SPDocument::getDimensions(), SPItem::i2dt_affine(), layout, and Inkscape::Text::Layout::print().
void SPFlowtext::rebuildLayout | ( | ) |
Completely recalculates the layout.
Definition at line 463 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References _buildExclusionShape(), _buildLayoutInput(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::calculateFlow(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::clear(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::dumpAsText(), and layout.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 52 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References SPItem::release(), and view_style_attachments.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 67 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References child, SPObject::remove_child(), and SPObject::requestModified().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 169 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References SPObject::getRepr(), key, LAYOUT_OPTIONS, par_indent, SPObject::requestModified(), SPItem::set(), SP_CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, SP_CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, sp_repr_css_attr(), sp_repr_css_attr_unref(), sp_repr_css_property(), SPObject::style, and SPStyle::text_align.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 716 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References SPText::_adjustFontsizeRecursive(), _optimizeScaledText, SPItem::adjust_gradient(), SPItem::adjust_pattern(), SPItem::adjust_stroke_width_recursive(), SPObject::children, Geom::Affine::descrim(), SPObject::firstChild(), Geom::Affine::inverse(), Geom::Affine::isNonzeroUniformScale(), and Geom::Affine::withoutTranslation().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 316 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References bbox(), SPItem::geometricBounds(), key, layout, Inkscape::DrawingGroup::setPickChildren(), Inkscape::DrawingItem::setStyle(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::show(), SPObject::style, and view_style_attachments.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 300 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::Text::Layout::baselineAnchorPoint(), SPItem::i2dt_affine(), Inkscape::SnapPreferences::isTargetSnappable(), layout, Inkscape::Text::Layout::outputExists(), Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_TEXT_ANCHOR, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_TEXT_ANCHOR, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_TEXT_BASELINE, and te_get_layout().
inlineoverridevirtual |
overridevirtual |
The item's type name, not node tag name.
NOT translated.
Reimplemented from SPItem.
Definition at line 281 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 73 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References _clearFlow(), child, SPObject::children, SPItem::geometricBounds(), SPItemCtx::i2doc, SPItemCtx::i2vp, item, layout, rebuildLayout(), Inkscape::Text::Layout::show(), sp_object_ref(), sp_object_unref(), SPObject::style, SPItem::transform, SPItem::update(), view_style_attachments, and SPItem::views.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SPObject.
Definition at line 227 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.
References Inkscape::XML::Node::addChild(), child, SPObject::children, Inkscape::XML::Document::createElement(), rebuildLayout(), Inkscape::GC::release(), SPObject::repr, and SPItem::write().
bool SPFlowtext::_optimizeScaledText |
Definition at line 64 of file sp-flowtext.h.
Referenced by optimizeScaledText(), and set_transform().
Inkscape::Text::Layout SPFlowtext::layout |
Definition at line 56 of file sp-flowtext.h.
Referenced by _buildLayoutInput(), bbox(), description(), getAsText(), getBaselinePoint(), getNormalizedBpath(), modified(), print(), rebuildLayout(), show(), snappoints(), Inkscape::Extension::Internal::LaTeXTextRenderer::sp_flowtext_render(), Inkscape::Extension::Internal::sp_flowtext_render(), and update().
double SPFlowtext::par_indent |
Definition at line 62 of file sp-flowtext.h.
Referenced by _buildLayoutInput(), and set().
std::unordered_map<unsigned, Inkscape::Text::StyleAttachments> SPFlowtext::view_style_attachments |
Definition at line 57 of file sp-flowtext.h.
Referenced by hide(), modified(), release(), show(), and update().