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SPFlowtext Class Referencefinal

#include <sp-flowtext.h>

Inheritance diagram for SPFlowtext:
SPItem SPObject Inkscape::XML::NodeObserver

Public Member Functions

 SPFlowtext ()
 ~SPFlowtext () override
int tag () const override
void rebuildLayout ()
 Completely recalculates the layout.
Inkscape::XML::NodegetAsText ()
 Converts the flowroot in into a <text> tree, keeping all the formatting and positioning, but losing the automatic wrapping ability.
SPItemget_frame (SPItem const *after)
SPItem const * get_frame (SPItem const *after) const
std::optional< Geom::PointgetBaselinePoint () const
 Get the position of the baseline point for this text object.
bool has_internal_frame () const
void _clearFlow (Inkscape::DrawingGroup *in_arena)
 discards the drawing objects representing this text.
SPCurve getNormalizedBpath () const
 Converts the text object to its component curves.
void optimizeScaledText ()
 Optimize scaled flow text on next set_transform.
void build (SPDocument *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) override
void release () override
void child_added (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *ref) override
void remove_child (Inkscape::XML::Node *child) override
void set (SPAttr key, const char *value) override
Geom::Affine set_transform (Geom::Affine const &xform) override
void update (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) override
void modified (unsigned int flags) override
void fix_overflow_flowregion (bool inverse)
Inkscape::XML::Nodewrite (Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) override
Geom::OptRect bbox (Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType type) const override
void print (SPPrintContext *ctx) override
const char * typeName () const override
 The item's type name, not node tag name.
const char * displayName () const override
 The item's type name as a translated human string.
char * description () const override
Inkscape::DrawingItemshow (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags) override
void hide (unsigned int key) override
void snappoints (std::vector< Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint > &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SPItem
 SPItem ()
 ~SPItem () override
int tag () const override
SPClipPathgetClipObject () const
SPMaskgetMaskObject () const
SPClipPathReferencegetClipRef ()
SPMaskReferencegetMaskRef ()
std::optional< Geom::PathVectorgetClipPathVector () const
 Return the path vector of the clipping region.
std::optional< Geom::PathVectorgetClipPathVector (SPItem const *root) const
 Return the path vector of the clipping region, combined with the clipping regions of all groups containing this object up to and including root.
SPAvoidRefgetAvoidRef ()
bool isLocked () const
void setLocked (bool lock)
bool isHidden () const
void setHidden (bool hidden)
bool isSensitive () const
void setHighlight (Inkscape::Colors::Color color)
bool isHighlightSet () const
virtual Inkscape::Colors::Color highlight_color () const
bool isEvaluated () const
void setEvaluated (bool visible)
void resetEvaluated ()
bool unoptimized ()
bool isHidden (unsigned display_key) const
bool isExplicitlyHidden () const
 Returns something suitable for the ‘Hide’ checkbox in the Object Properties dialog box.
void setExplicitlyHidden (bool val)
 Sets the display CSS property to ‘hidden’ if val is true, otherwise makes it unset.
void setCenter (Geom::Point const &object_centre)
 Sets the transform_center_x and transform_center_y properties to retain the rotation center.
bool updateCenterIfSet (Geom::Point const &center)
void unsetCenter ()
bool isCenterSet () const
Geom::Point getCenter (bool ensure_uptodate=true) const
void scaleCenter (Geom::Scale const &sc)
bool isVisibleAndUnlocked () const
bool isVisibleAndUnlocked (unsigned display_key) const
Geom::Affine getRelativeTransform (SPObject const *obj) const
bool raiseOne ()
bool lowerOne ()
void raiseToTop ()
void lowerToBottom ()
SPGroupgetParentGroup () const
 Return the parent, only if it's a group object.
void moveTo (SPItem *target, bool intoafter)
 Move this SPItem into or after another SPItem in the doc.
sigc::connection connectTransformed (sigc::slot< void(Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *)> slot)
Geom::OptRect geometricBounds (Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity()) const
 Get item's geometric bounding box in this item's coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect visualBounds (Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity(), bool wfilter=true, bool wclip=true, bool wmask=true) const
 Get item's visual bounding box in this item's coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect bounds (BBoxType type, Geom::Affine const &transform=Geom::identity()) const
Geom::OptRect documentGeometricBounds () const
 Get item's geometric bbox in document coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect documentVisualBounds () const
 Get item's visual bbox in document coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect documentBounds (BBoxType type) const
Geom::OptRect documentPreferredBounds () const
virtual std::optional< Geom::PathVectordocumentExactBounds () const
 Get an exact geometric shape representing the visual bounds of the item in the document coordinates.
Geom::OptRect desktopGeometricBounds () const
 Get item's geometric bbox in desktop coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect desktopVisualBounds () const
 Get item's visual bbox in desktop coordinate system.
Geom::OptRect desktopPreferredBounds () const
Geom::OptRect desktopBounds (BBoxType type) const
unsigned int pos_in_parent () const
char * detailedDescription () const
 Returns a string suitable for status bar, formatted in pango markup language.
bool isFiltered () const
 Returns true if the item is filtered, false otherwise.
SPObjectisInMask () const
SPObjectisInClipPath () const
void invoke_print (SPPrintContext *ctx)
Inkscape::DrawingIteminvoke_show (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags)
void invoke_hide (unsigned int key)
void invoke_hide_except (unsigned key, const std::vector< SPItem const * > &to_keep)
 Invoke hide on all non-group items, except for the list of items to keep.
void getSnappoints (std::vector< Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint > &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs=nullptr) const
void adjust_pattern (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false, PaintServerTransform=TRANSFORM_BOTH)
void adjust_hatch (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false, PaintServerTransform=TRANSFORM_BOTH)
void adjust_gradient (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false)
void adjust_clip (Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool set=false)
void remove_clip_transforms ()
void adjust_stroke (double ex)
void adjust_stroke_width_recursive (double ex)
 Recursively scale stroke width in item and its children by expansion.
void freeze_stroke_width_recursive (bool freeze)
void adjust_paint_recursive (Geom::Affine advertized_transform, Geom::Affine t_ancestors, PaintServerType type=GRADIENT)
 Recursively compensate pattern or gradient transform.
bool collidesWith (Geom::PathVector const &shape) const
 Checks for visual collision with another item.
bool collidesWith (SPItem const &other) const
void doWriteTransform (Geom::Affine const &transform, Geom::Affine const *adv=nullptr, bool compensate=true)
 Set a new transform on an object.
void set_item_transform (Geom::Affine const &transform_matrix)
 Sets item private transform (not propagated to repr), without compensating stroke widths, gradients, patterns as sp_item_write_transform does.
Inkscape::DrawingItemget_arenaitem (unsigned key) const
 Return the arenaitem corresponding to the given item in the display with the given key.
Geom::Affine i2doc_affine () const
 Returns the accumulated transformation of the item and all its ancestors, including root's viewport.
Geom::Affine i2dt_affine () const
 Returns the transformation from item to desktop coords.
void set_i2d_affine (Geom::Affine const &transform)
Geom::Affine dt2i_affine () const
 Returns the transformation from desktop to item coords.
bool isExpanded () const
void setExpanded (bool expand)
void rotate_rel (Geom::Rotate const &rotation)
void scale_rel (Geom::Scale const &scale)
void skew_rel (double skewX, double skewY)
void move_rel (Geom::Translate const &tr)
void build (SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) override
void release () override
void set (SPAttr key, char const *value) override
void update (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) override
void modified (unsigned int flags) override
Inkscape::XML::Nodewrite (Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) override
virtual void removeTransformsRecursively (SPObject const *root)
virtual void convert_to_guides () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SPObject
 SPObject ()
 Constructor, sets all attributes to default values.
 SPObject (SPObject const &)=delete
SPObjectoperator= (SPObject const &)=delete
 ~SPObject () override
 Destructor, frees the used memory and unreferences a potential successor of the object.
char const * getId () const
 Returns the objects current ID string.
void getIds (std::set< std::string > &ret) const
 Accumulate this id and all it's descendants ids.
std::string getUrl () const
 Get the id in a URL format.
Inkscape::XML::NodegetRepr ()
 Returns the XML representation of tree.
Inkscape::XML::Node const * getRepr () const
 Returns the XML representation of tree.
void releaseReferences ()
 Cleans up an SPObject, releasing its references and requesting that references to it be released.
sigc::connection connectRelease (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot)
 Connects to the release request signal.
bool isSiblingOf (SPObject const *object) const
virtual void getLinked (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const
 Get objects which are linked to this object as either a source or a target.
std::vector< SPObject * > getLinked (LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const
 Get objects which are linked, like above.
bool isAncestorOf (SPObject const *object) const
 True if object is non-NULL and this is some in/direct parent of object.
SPObject const * nearestCommonAncestor (SPObject const *object) const
 Returns youngest object being parent to this and object.
SPObject const * getTopAncestorNonLayer () const
 Returns ancestor non layer.
SPObjectgetNext ()
SPObjectgetPrev ()
 Returns previous object in sibling list or NULL.
bool hasChildren () const
SPObjectfirstChild ()
SPObject const * firstChild () const
SPObjectlastChild ()
SPObject const * lastChild () const
SPObjectnthChild (unsigned index)
SPObject const * nthChild (unsigned index) const
std::vector< SPObject * > childList (bool add_ref, Action action=ActionGeneral)
 Retrieves the children as a std vector object, optionally ref'ing the children in the process, if add_ref is specified.
std::vector< SPObject * > ancestorList (bool root_to_tip)
 Retrieves a list of ancestors of the object, as an easy to use vector.
SPObjectappendChildRepr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
 Append repr as child of this object.
char const * label () const
 Gets the author-visible label property for the object or a default if no label is defined.
char const * defaultLabel () const
 Returns a default label property for this object.
void setLabel (char const *label)
 Sets the author-visible label for this object.
char * title () const
 Returns the title of this object, or NULL if there is none.
bool setTitle (char const *title, bool verbatim=false)
 Sets the title of this object.
char * desc () const
 Returns the description of this object, or NULL if there is none.
bool setDesc (char const *desc, bool verbatim=false)
 Sets the description of this object.
Glib::ustring getExportFilename () const
 Get and set the exportable filename on this object.
void setExportFilename (Glib::ustring filename)
Geom::Point getExportDpi () const
 Get and set the exported DPI for this objet, if available.
void setExportDpi (Geom::Point dpi)
CollectionPolicy collectionPolicy () const
 Set the policy under which this object will be orphan-collected.
void setCollectionPolicy (CollectionPolicy policy)
 Sets the orphan-collection policy in effect for this object.
void requestOrphanCollection ()
 Requests a later automatic call to collectOrphan().
void collectOrphan ()
 Unconditionally delete the object if it is not referenced.
void hrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr)
 Increase weak refcount.
void unhrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr)
 Decrease weak refcount.
bool isReferenced ()
 Check if object is referenced by any other object.
void deleteObject (bool propagate, bool propagate_descendants)
 Deletes an object, unparenting it from its parent.
void deleteObject (bool propagate=true)
 Deletes on object.
void cropToObject (SPObject *except)
 Removes all children except for the given object, it's children and it's ancesstors.
void cropToObjects (std::vector< SPObject * > except_objects)
 Removes objects which are not related to given list of objects.
void getObjectsExcept (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, const std::vector< SPObject * > &except)
 Get all child objects except for any in the list.
void getLinkedRecursive (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const
 Grows the input list with all linked items recursively in both child nodes and links of links.
sigc::connection connectDelete (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot)
 Connects a slot to be called when an object is deleted.
sigc::connection connectPositionChanged (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot)
SPObjectsuccessor ()
 Returns the object which supercedes this one (if any).
void setSuccessor (SPObject *successor)
 Indicates that another object supercedes this one.
void setTmpSuccessor (SPObject *tmpsuccessor)
 Indicates that another object supercedes temporaty this one.
void unsetTmpSuccessor ()
 Unset object supercedes.
void fixTmpSuccessors ()
 Fix temporary successors in duple stamp.
Inkscape::XML::NodeupdateRepr (unsigned int flags=SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT)
 Updates the object's repr based on the object's state.
Inkscape::XML::NodeupdateRepr (Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags)
 Updates the given repr based on the object's state.
void requestDisplayUpdate (unsigned int flags)
 Queues an deferred update of this object's display.
void updateDisplay (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags)
 Updates the object's display immediately.
void requestModified (unsigned int flags)
 Requests that a modification notification signal be emitted later (e.g.
void emitModified (unsigned int flags)
 Emits the MODIFIED signal with the object's flags.
sigc::connection connectModified (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *, unsigned int)> slot)
 Connects to the modification notification signal.
void _sendDeleteSignalRecursive ()
 Sends the delete signal to all children of this object recursively.
void _updateTotalHRefCount (int increment)
 Adds increment to _total_hrefcount of object and its parents.
void _requireSVGVersion (unsigned major, unsigned minor)
void _requireSVGVersion (Inkscape::Version version)
 Lifts SVG version of all root objects to version.
void attach (SPObject *object, SPObject *prev)
 Put object into object tree, under parent, and behind prev; also update object's XML space.
void reorder (SPObject *obj, SPObject *prev)
 In list of object's children, move object behind prev.
void detach (SPObject *object)
 Remove object from parent's children, release and unref it.
SPObjectget_child_by_repr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
 Return object's child whose node pointer equals repr.
void invoke_build (SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int cloned)
int getIntAttribute (char const *key, int def)
unsigned getPosition ()
char const * getAttribute (char const *name) const
void appendChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child)
void addChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *prev=nullptr)
void setKeyValue (SPAttr key, char const *value)
 Call virtual set() function of object.
void setAttribute (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value)
void setAttributeDouble (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, double value)
void setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value)
void readAttr (char const *key)
 Read value of key attribute from XML node into object.
void readAttr (SPAttr keyid)
char const * getTagName () const
void removeAttribute (char const *key)
void setCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr)
void changeCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr)
bool storeAsDouble (char const *key, double *val) const
virtual void read_content ()
void recursivePrintTree (unsigned level=0)
void objectTrace (std::string const &, bool in=true, unsigned flags=0)
std::string generate_unique_id (char const *default_id=nullptr) const
 Generate a document-wide unique id for this object.

Public Attributes

Inkscape::Text::Layout layout
std::unordered_map< unsigned, Inkscape::Text::StyleAttachmentsview_style_attachments
double par_indent
bool _optimizeScaledText
- Public Attributes inherited from SPItem
unsigned int sensitive: 1
unsigned int stop_paint: 1
unsigned bbox_valid: 1
double transform_center_x
double transform_center_y
bool freeze_stroke_width
bool _is_expanded = false
Geom::Affine transform
Geom::OptRect doc_bbox
Geom::Rect viewport
std::vector< std::pair< Glib::ustring, Glib::ustring > > rootsatellites
std::vector< SPItemViewviews
sigc::signal< void(Geom::Affine const *, SPItem *)> _transformed_signal
std::optional< Inkscape::Colors::Color_highlightColor
- Public Attributes inherited from SPObject
unsigned int cloned: 1
SPObjectclone_original {nullptr}
unsigned int uflags: 16
unsigned int mflags: 16
SPIXmlSpace xml_space
Glib::ustring lang
unsigned int hrefcount {0}
unsigned int _total_hrefcount {0}
SPDocumentdocument {nullptr}
SPObjectparent {nullptr}
int refCount {1}
std::list< SPObject * > hrefList
 Represents the style properties, whether from presentation attributes, the style attribute, or inherited.
 Represents the style that should be used to resolve 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke'.
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> _release_signal
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> _delete_signal
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *)> _position_changed_signal
sigc::signal< void(SPObject *, unsigned int)> _modified_signal
SPObject_successor {nullptr}
SPObject_tmpsuccessor {nullptr}
CollectionPolicy _collection_policy {SPObject::COLLECT_WITH_PARENT}
char * _label {nullptr}
char * _default_label {nullptr}
ChildrenList children

Private Member Functions

void _buildLayoutInput (SPObject *root, std::unique_ptr< Shape > exclusion_shape, SPObject **pending_line_break_object)
 Recursively walks the xml tree adding tags and their contents.
std::unique_ptr< Shape_buildExclusionShape () const
 calculates the union of all the <flowregionexclude> children of this flowroot.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SPItem
enum  PaintServerType { PATTERN , HATCH , GRADIENT }
- Public Types inherited from SPObject
enum class  LinkedObjectNature { DEPENDENT = -1 , ANY = 0 , DEPENDENCY = 1 }
enum  Action { ActionGeneral , ActionBBox , ActionUpdate , ActionShow }
typedef Inkscape::Util::ForwardPointerIterator< SPObject, ParentIteratorStrategyParentIterator
typedef Inkscape::Util::ForwardPointerIterator< SPObject const, ParentIteratorStrategyConstParentIterator
using ChildrenList = boost::intrusive::list< SPObject, boost::intrusive::member_hook< SPObject, ListHook, &SPObject::_child_hook > >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SPItem
static unsigned int display_key_new (unsigned numkeys)
 Allocates unique integer keys.
static unsigned ensure_key (Inkscape::DrawingItem *di)
 Ensures that a drawing item's key is the first of a block of ITEM_KEY_SIZE keys, assigning it such a key if necessary.
- Protected Types inherited from SPObject
typedef boost::intrusive::list_member_hook ListHook
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SPObject
virtual void order_changed (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *old_repr, Inkscape::XML::Node *new_repr)
virtual void tag_name_changed (gchar const *oldname, gchar const *newname)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SPObject
ListHook _child_hook

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file sp-flowtext.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SPFlowtext()

SPFlowtext::SPFlowtext ( )

Definition at line 44 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

◆ ~SPFlowtext()

SPFlowtext::~SPFlowtext ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _buildExclusionShape()

std::unique_ptr< Shape > SPFlowtext::_buildExclusionShape ( ) const

calculates the union of all the <flowregionexclude> children of this flowroot.

Definition at line 440 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References bool_op_union, child, and SPObject::children.

Referenced by rebuildLayout().

◆ _buildLayoutInput()

◆ _clearFlow()

void SPFlowtext::_clearFlow ( Inkscape::DrawingGroup in_arena)

discards the drawing objects representing this text.

Definition at line 474 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References Inkscape::DrawingItem::clearChildren().

Referenced by hide(), modified(), and update().

◆ bbox()

Geom::OptRect SPFlowtext::bbox ( Geom::Affine const &  transform,
SPItem::BBoxType  type 
) const

Reimplemented from SPItem.

Definition at line 266 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References Inkscape::Text::Layout::bounds(), layout, and SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX.

Referenced by print(), and show().

◆ build()

void SPFlowtext::build ( SPDocument doc,
Inkscape::XML::Node repr 

◆ child_added()

void SPFlowtext::child_added ( Inkscape::XML::Node child,
Inkscape::XML::Node ref 

Reimplemented from SPObject.

Definition at line 58 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References child, SPObject::child_added(), ref, and SPObject::requestModified().

◆ description()

gchar * SPFlowtext::description ( ) const

◆ displayName()

const char * SPFlowtext::displayName ( ) const

The item's type name as a translated human string.

Translated string for UI display.

Reimplemented from SPItem.

Definition at line 285 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References has_internal_frame().

◆ fix_overflow_flowregion()

void SPFlowtext::fix_overflow_flowregion ( bool  inverse)

Definition at line 697 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References child, and scale.

◆ get_frame() [1/2]

SPItem * SPFlowtext::get_frame ( SPItem const *  after)

◆ get_frame() [2/2]

SPItem const * SPFlowtext::get_frame ( SPItem const *  after) const

Definition at line 587 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References get_frame(), and item.

◆ getAsText()

◆ getBaselinePoint()

std::optional< Geom::Point > SPFlowtext::getBaselinePoint ( ) const

Get the position of the baseline point for this text object.

Definition at line 771 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References Inkscape::Text::Layout::baselineAnchorPoint(), layout, and Inkscape::Text::Layout::outputExists().

◆ getNormalizedBpath()

SPCurve SPFlowtext::getNormalizedBpath ( ) const

Converts the text object to its component curves.

Definition at line 479 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References Inkscape::Text::Layout::convertToCurves(), and layout.

◆ has_internal_frame()

bool SPFlowtext::has_internal_frame ( ) const

Definition at line 629 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References get_frame(), and SPObject::isAncestorOf().

Referenced by displayName().

◆ hide()

void SPFlowtext::hide ( unsigned int  key)

Reimplemented from SPItem.

Definition at line 328 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References _clearFlow(), key, view_style_attachments, and SPItem::views.

◆ modified()

void SPFlowtext::modified ( unsigned int  flags)

◆ optimizeScaledText()

void SPFlowtext::optimizeScaledText ( )

Optimize scaled flow text on next set_transform.

Definition at line 70 of file sp-flowtext.h.

References _optimizeScaledText.

◆ print()

◆ rebuildLayout()

void SPFlowtext::rebuildLayout ( )

◆ release()

void SPFlowtext::release ( )

Reimplemented from SPObject.

Definition at line 52 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References SPItem::release(), and view_style_attachments.

◆ remove_child()

void SPFlowtext::remove_child ( Inkscape::XML::Node child)

Reimplemented from SPObject.

Definition at line 67 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

References child, SPObject::remove_child(), and SPObject::requestModified().

◆ set()

◆ set_transform()

◆ show()

Inkscape::DrawingItem * SPFlowtext::show ( Inkscape::Drawing drawing,
unsigned int  key,
unsigned int  flags 

◆ snappoints()

◆ tag()

int SPFlowtext::tag ( ) const

Reimplemented from SPObject.

Definition at line 36 of file sp-flowtext.h.

References tag_of.

◆ typeName()

const char * SPFlowtext::typeName ( ) const

The item's type name, not node tag name.

NOT translated.

The item's type name (default: 'item')

Reimplemented from SPItem.

Definition at line 281 of file sp-flowtext.cpp.

◆ update()

◆ write()

Inkscape::XML::Node * SPFlowtext::write ( Inkscape::XML::Document doc,
Inkscape::XML::Node repr,
unsigned int  flags 

Member Data Documentation

◆ _optimizeScaledText

bool SPFlowtext::_optimizeScaledText

Definition at line 64 of file sp-flowtext.h.

Referenced by optimizeScaledText(), and set_transform().

◆ layout

◆ par_indent

double SPFlowtext::par_indent

Definition at line 62 of file sp-flowtext.h.

Referenced by _buildLayoutInput(), and set().

◆ view_style_attachments

std::unordered_map<unsigned, Inkscape::Text::StyleAttachments> SPFlowtext::view_style_attachments

Definition at line 57 of file sp-flowtext.h.

Referenced by hide(), modified(), release(), show(), and update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: