| SPFlowline () |
| ~SPFlowline () override |
int | tag () const override |
| SPObject () |
| Constructor, sets all attributes to default values.
| SPObject (SPObject const &)=delete |
SPObject & | operator= (SPObject const &)=delete |
| ~SPObject () override |
| Destructor, frees the used memory and unreferences a potential successor of the object.
char const * | getId () const |
| Returns the objects current ID string.
void | getIds (std::set< std::string > &ret) const |
| Accumulate this id and all it's descendants ids.
std::string | getUrl () const |
| Get the id in a URL format.
Inkscape::XML::Node * | getRepr () |
| Returns the XML representation of tree.
Inkscape::XML::Node const * | getRepr () const |
| Returns the XML representation of tree.
void | releaseReferences () |
| Cleans up an SPObject, releasing its references and requesting that references to it be released.
sigc::connection | connectRelease (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
| Connects to the release request signal.
bool | isSiblingOf (SPObject const *object) const |
virtual void | getLinked (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
| Get objects which are linked to this object as either a source or a target.
std::vector< SPObject * > | getLinked (LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
| Get objects which are linked, like above.
bool | isAncestorOf (SPObject const *object) const |
| True if object is non-NULL and this is some in/direct parent of object.
SPObject const * | nearestCommonAncestor (SPObject const *object) const |
| Returns youngest object being parent to this and object.
SPObject const * | getTopAncestorNonLayer () const |
| Returns ancestor non layer.
SPObject * | getNext () |
SPObject * | getPrev () |
| Returns previous object in sibling list or NULL.
bool | hasChildren () const |
SPObject * | firstChild () |
SPObject const * | firstChild () const |
SPObject * | lastChild () |
SPObject const * | lastChild () const |
SPObject * | nthChild (unsigned index) |
SPObject const * | nthChild (unsigned index) const |
std::vector< SPObject * > | childList (bool add_ref, Action action=ActionGeneral) |
| Retrieves the children as a std vector object, optionally ref'ing the children in the process, if add_ref is specified.
std::vector< SPObject * > | ancestorList (bool root_to_tip) |
| Retrieves a list of ancestors of the object, as an easy to use vector.
SPObject * | appendChildRepr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) |
| Append repr as child of this object.
char const * | label () const |
| Gets the author-visible label property for the object or a default if no label is defined.
char const * | defaultLabel () const |
| Returns a default label property for this object.
void | setLabel (char const *label) |
| Sets the author-visible label for this object.
char * | title () const |
| Returns the title of this object, or NULL if there is none.
bool | setTitle (char const *title, bool verbatim=false) |
| Sets the title of this object.
char * | desc () const |
| Returns the description of this object, or NULL if there is none.
bool | setDesc (char const *desc, bool verbatim=false) |
| Sets the description of this object.
Glib::ustring | getExportFilename () const |
| Get and set the exportable filename on this object.
void | setExportFilename (Glib::ustring filename) |
Geom::Point | getExportDpi () const |
| Get and set the exported DPI for this objet, if available.
void | setExportDpi (Geom::Point dpi) |
CollectionPolicy | collectionPolicy () const |
| Set the policy under which this object will be orphan-collected.
void | setCollectionPolicy (CollectionPolicy policy) |
| Sets the orphan-collection policy in effect for this object.
void | requestOrphanCollection () |
| Requests a later automatic call to collectOrphan().
void | collectOrphan () |
| Unconditionally delete the object if it is not referenced.
void | hrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr) |
| Increase weak refcount.
void | unhrefObject (SPObject *owner=nullptr) |
| Decrease weak refcount.
bool | isReferenced () |
| Check if object is referenced by any other object.
void | deleteObject (bool propagate, bool propagate_descendants) |
| Deletes an object, unparenting it from its parent.
void | deleteObject (bool propagate=true) |
| Deletes on object.
void | cropToObject (SPObject *except) |
| Removes all children except for the given object, it's children and it's ancesstors.
void | cropToObjects (std::vector< SPObject * > except_objects) |
| Removes objects which are not related to given list of objects.
void | getObjectsExcept (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, const std::vector< SPObject * > &except) |
| Get all child objects except for any in the list.
void | getLinkedRecursive (std::vector< SPObject * > &objects, LinkedObjectNature direction=LinkedObjectNature::ANY) const |
| Grows the input list with all linked items recursively in both child nodes and links of links.
sigc::connection | connectDelete (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
| Connects a slot to be called when an object is deleted.
sigc::connection | connectPositionChanged (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *)> slot) |
SPObject * | successor () |
| Returns the object which supercedes this one (if any).
void | setSuccessor (SPObject *successor) |
| Indicates that another object supercedes this one.
void | setTmpSuccessor (SPObject *tmpsuccessor) |
| Indicates that another object supercedes temporaty this one.
void | unsetTmpSuccessor () |
| Unset object supercedes.
void | fixTmpSuccessors () |
| Fix temporary successors in duple stamp.
Inkscape::XML::Node * | updateRepr (unsigned int flags=SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) |
| Updates the object's repr based on the object's state.
Inkscape::XML::Node * | updateRepr (Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int flags) |
| Updates the given repr based on the object's state.
void | requestDisplayUpdate (unsigned int flags) |
| Queues an deferred update of this object's display.
void | updateDisplay (SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) |
| Updates the object's display immediately.
void | requestModified (unsigned int flags) |
| Requests that a modification notification signal be emitted later (e.g.
void | emitModified (unsigned int flags) |
| Emits the MODIFIED signal with the object's flags.
sigc::connection | connectModified (sigc::slot< void(SPObject *, unsigned int)> slot) |
| Connects to the modification notification signal.
void | _sendDeleteSignalRecursive () |
| Sends the delete signal to all children of this object recursively.
void | _updateTotalHRefCount (int increment) |
| Adds increment to _total_hrefcount of object and its parents.
void | _requireSVGVersion (unsigned major, unsigned minor) |
void | _requireSVGVersion (Inkscape::Version version) |
| Lifts SVG version of all root objects to version.
void | attach (SPObject *object, SPObject *prev) |
| Put object into object tree, under parent, and behind prev; also update object's XML space.
void | reorder (SPObject *obj, SPObject *prev) |
| In list of object's children, move object behind prev.
void | detach (SPObject *object) |
| Remove object from parent's children, release and unref it.
SPObject * | get_child_by_repr (Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) |
| Return object's child whose node pointer equals repr.
void | invoke_build (SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, unsigned int cloned) |
int | getIntAttribute (char const *key, int def) |
unsigned | getPosition () |
char const * | getAttribute (char const *name) const |
void | appendChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child) |
void | addChild (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *prev=nullptr) |
void | setKeyValue (SPAttr key, char const *value) |
| Call virtual set() function of object.
void | setAttribute (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value) |
void | setAttributeDouble (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, double value) |
void | setAttributeOrRemoveIfEmpty (Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr key, Inkscape::Util::const_char_ptr value) |
void | readAttr (char const *key) |
| Read value of key attribute from XML node into object.
void | readAttr (SPAttr keyid) |
char const * | getTagName () const |
void | removeAttribute (char const *key) |
void | setCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr) |
void | changeCSS (SPCSSAttr *css, char const *attr) |
bool | storeAsDouble (char const *key, double *val) const |
virtual void | read_content () |
void | recursivePrintTree (unsigned level=0) |
void | objectTrace (std::string const &, bool in=true, unsigned flags=0) |
std::string | generate_unique_id (char const *default_id=nullptr) const |
| Generate a document-wide unique id for this object.