59 conn18168360 =
102 return (overlap) ? 1 : 0;
The ConnEnd class represents different possible endpoints for connectors.
The ConnRef class represents a connector object.
void makePathInvalid(void)
The JunctionRef class represents a fixed or free-floating point that connectors can be attached to.
void setPositionFixed(bool fixed)
Sets whether the junction has a fixed position and therefore can't be moved by the Router during rout...
The Point class defines a point in the plane.
A dynamic Polygon, to which points can be easily added and removed.
void setPoint(size_t index, const Point &point)
Sets a position for a particular point in the polygon.
The Router class represents a libavoid router instance.
void setRoutingOption(const RoutingOption option, const bool value)
Turn specific routing options on or off.
void deleteConnector(ConnRef *connector)
Remove a connector from the router scene.
void setRoutingParameter(const RoutingParameter parameter, const double value=chooseSensibleParamValue)
Sets values for routing parameters, including routing penalties.
void setTransactionUse(const bool transactions)
Allows setting of the behaviour of the router in regard to transactions.
void outputDiagram(std::string instanceName=std::string())
bool processTransaction(void)
Finishes the current transaction and processes all the queued object changes efficiently.
void setRoutingPenalty(const RoutingParameter penType, const double penVal=chooseSensibleParamValue)
Sets or removes penalty values that are applied during connector routing.
bool existsOrthogonalFixedSegmentOverlap(const bool atEnds=false)
The ShapeConnectionPin class represents a fixed point or "pin" on a shape that can be connected to.
void setExclusive(const bool exclusive)
Sets whether the pin is exclusive, i.e., only one connector can attach to it.
The ShapeRef class represents a shape object.
Standard libavoid include file which includes all libavoid header files.
libavoid: Object-avoiding orthogonal and polyline connector routing library.
@ crossingPenalty
This penalty is applied whenever a connector path crosses another connector path.
@ fixedSharedPathPenalty
This penalty is applied whenever a connector path shares some segments with an immovable portion of a...
@ segmentPenalty
This penalty is applied for each segment in the connector path beyond the first.
@ idealNudgingDistance
This parameter defines the spacing distance that will be used for nudging apart overlapping corners a...
@ OrthogonalRouting
This option specifies that the router should maintain the structures necessary to allow orthogonal co...
@ penaliseOrthogonalSharedPathsAtConnEnds
This option penalises and attempts to reroute orthogonal shared connector paths terminating at a comm...