inkex.elements._selected module#

When elements are selected, these structures provide an advanced API.

New in version 1.1.

class inkex.elements._selected.ElementList(svg, _iter=None)[source]#

Bases: collections.OrderedDict

A list of elements, selected by id, iterator or xpath

This may look like a dictionary, but it is really a list of elements. The default iterator is the element objects themselves (not keys) and it is possible to key elements by their numerical index.

It is also possible to look up items by their id and the element object itself.

_to_key(key: None, default: Any) Any[source]#
_to_key(key: Union[int, inkex.interfaces.IElement.IBaseElement, str], default: Any) str

Takes a key (id, element, etc) and returns an xml_path key


Also clear ids


Sets the currently selected elements to these ids, any existing selection is cleared.

Arguments a list of element ids, element objects or a single xpath expression starting with //.

All element objects must have an id to be correctly set.

>>> selection.set("rect123", "path456", "text789")
>>> selection.set(elem1, elem2, elem3)
>>> selection.set("//rect")

Remove the key item or remove the last item selected


Like set() but does not clear first


Get the selected elements by z-order (stacking order), ordered from bottom to top

New in version 1.2: paint_order() has been renamed to rendering_order()


Filter selected elements of the given type, returns a new SelectedElements object

filter_nonzero(*types, error_msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]#

Filter selected elements of the given type, returns a new SelectedElements object. If the selection is empty, abort the extension.

New in version 1.2.

  • error_msg (str, optional) – e

  • *types (Type) – type(s) to filter the selection by

  • error_msg – error message that is displayed if the selection is empty, defaults to _("Please select at least one element of type(s) {}"). Defaults to None.


AbortExtension – if the selection is empty


filtered selection

Return type



Like filter, but will enter each element searching for any child of the given types


For compatibility, return regular dictionary of id -> element pairs


Gets a inkex.transforms.BoundingBox object for the selected items.

Text objects have a bounding box without width or height that only reflects the coordinate of their anchor. If a text object is a part of the selection’s boundary, the bounding box may be inaccurate.

When no object is selected or when the object’s location cannot be determined (e.g. empty group or layer), all coordinates will be None.


Use rendering_order()

Deprecated since version 1.2.


Returns the first item in the selected list